Minggu, 28 November 2010

Indonesian Cultures

 Indonesian Cultural though varied, but basically formed and influenced by other great cultures such as Chinese culture, Indian culture and Arab culture
 Indonesia's diverse culture and rich, Indonesia became one of the advantages that should be preserved by us as a citizen of Indonesia.
We should be proud of their culture that we have so future generations can continue to know the culture of Indonesia.
Indonesian culture such as dances, songs, ceremonies, musical instruments, clothing, and custom house was different in each region.

    * Jakarta: Keroncong Monument.
    * Malay: Hadrah, Makyong, Ronggeng
    * Makassar: Gandrang Bulo, Sinrilik
    * Coastal Sibolga / Tapteng: Sikambang

Musical instrument
    * East Nusa Tenggara: Sasando, Gong and Tambour, JUK Dawan, Guitar Lio.
    * Keroncong
    * Flute Lembang
    * Suling Sunda
    * Dermenan
    * Sharon
    * Lute
    * Bonang
    * Kendang Java


Custom house
    * Aceh: Aceh Rumoh
    * West Sumatra: Home Gadang
    * South Sumatra: Rumah Limas
    * Java: Joglo
    * Papua: Honai
    * Java: Bedaya, Kuda Lumping, Reog
    * Bali: Kecak, Barong / Barongan, Pendet
    * Maluku: Cakalele, Orlapei, Katreji
    * Aceh: Saman, Seudati
    * Jakarta: Kicir-Kicir, Jali-jali, Lenggang Kang
    * East Kalimantan: Goon-Goon
    * Jambi: Injit-Injit Ants
    * Tokecang (West Java)
    * Yamko Rambe Yamko (Papua)
    * Anging Mamiri, Parasanganta Sulawesi (South Sulawesi)
    * Feather londong, malluya, io-io, ma'pararuk (West Sulawesi)

    * Java: Puppet.
    * Tortor: Batak

    * Java: Buto statue, statue of Buddha.
    * Bali: Garuda.
    * Irian Jaya: Asmat.

    * Java: Batik.
    * North Sumatra: Ulos, Suri, suri, Mutual.
    * North Sumatra, Sibolga: Children Daro & Marapule.
    * Sumatran selatanSongket
    * Lampung: Tapestry
    * Sasiringan
    * Weaving East Nusa Tenggara
    * Bugis – Makassar Baju Bodo and Jas Close, Clothes La'bu

    * Java: Sinden.
    * Sumatra: Tailor story.
    * Talibun: (Sibolga, North Sumatra)

Literature / writing
    * Java: Java Babad Tanah, Ronggowarsito works.
    * Bali: Papyrus paper above.
    * Eastern Sumatra (Malay): Hang Tuah
    * South Sulawesi Lontara Old Manuscript
    * East Babelen Ai, Ai Kanoik

 Food Timor Jagung Bose, Daging Se'i, Ubi Tumis.

 Like the dance of West Sumatra plate that is used to express a sense of joy and gratitude for the harvest season Minangkabau people had arrived.
Lir ilir famous song from Central Java. Often accompanied with the gamelan example of one of Indonesia's indigenous culture are well known foreign and Indonesian scent.
Ngaben Ritual from Bali is the ceremony of purification atma (spirit) which has become a sacred obligation to their ancestors Balinese Hindus, the way to a procession of burning corpses.
Sasando musical instruments from Rote, East Nusa Tenggara which way the game picked. Musical Instruments Kolintang of Minahasa, North Sulawesi, and other
Custom clothing custom clothing Koteka is Papua.
Custom house stage of West Sumatra which is used for generations. Usefulness house on stilts to keep it safe from predators. Usually house stage there are in the forests.
Indonesia. The others are Indonesian batik. Batik Indonesia finally gained recognition as a world cultural heritage native to Indonesia by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). We are citizens of Indonesia should maintain the culture of Indonesia, lest the stolen again by another State.
Besides batik is now the government also submitted the results of other cultures in order to get the same recognition (Gamelan and Angklung)

Borobudur is also native to Indonesia. Borobudur is the name of a Buddhist temple located at Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java. This temple was founded by the followers of Mahayana Buddhism around the year 800 AD during the reign of dynasty dynasty. There are many statues and reliefs

Puppet has been known since prehistoric times approximately 1500 years before Christ. Indonesian society embracing animist beliefs, ancestor worship spirits called dahyang sing and realized in the form of statues or pictures.
Indonesia's traditional puppet art developed in Java and Bali. Puppet show has been recognized by UNESCO on 7 November 2003, a remarkable cultural works in the story narration and wonderful heritage that is very valuable.
There are people puppets; there are puppets in the form of a set of dolls that played puppeteer. Wayang puppeteer who played it are like shadow puppets or puppet show.
We as citizens of Indonesia should respect every culture in Indonesia, although it is different. If we do not love and preserve, other countries will take our culture as in the case of Malaysia about Reog Ponorogo.
Indonesian culture is rich and beautiful. We can scent in foreign countries in a positive way like making a scene of dances, folk songs increasingly concerned that the Indonesian people. We are not ashamed to use batik

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