When I was little and lived in my old house, my parents have a lot of dogs, 6 dogs! I still remembered the name of the dogs, Raymond, Kiki, Boy, Lala, Lulu, and Lili. Raymond is chow chow; Kiki is herder; Boy, Lala, Lulu and Lili are different species, I don’t know the species of them. 56
My parents bought Boy and Lala at Malang . My sister gave name to the boy’s dog named “BOY”; And Grace, my sister gave the girl’s dog named “LALA” because when she was child she liked to watch teletubies96. Boy and Raymond sometimes like to fight because both of them like Lala. But Lala choose Boy. One day at Lala’s cage there are 2 little dogs. All of my family was surprised because we didn’t know that Lala didn’t want to eat because Lala was pregnant146.
I gave Lala and Boy’s child named Lulu and Lili because they are twins! Actually I didn’t know the gender of Lala and Boy’s child -,-V. But I still was a child at that time, so I didn’t think detail. Every day we gave the baby dogs drank milk196, because sometimes Lala didn’t want to give her babies drink. But my father sells Boy, Lala, Lulu, and Lili because we can’t care a lot of dogs, especially baby’s dog. My father sold Boy and Lala to, so Lili and Lulu can together with their parents. And Raymond didn’t fighting again.250
Kiki is herder dog! Kiki’s skin color is black. Kiki have a lot of sharp teeth.
All of my families, and my servants were afraid except my father. Kiki just scared with my father. Kiki liked to bark, Kiki always free at night. At morning, afternoon Kiki stay in his cage. If Kiki stays free and there are people walked, Kiki would beat! Many servants have been bite and got in Hospital to have medicine. So my mother and all of my sisters didn’t like Kiki. After many accidents happened, my father sells Kiki. Without Kiki many servants300 could worked and walked free with safely.307
Raymond is my family’s beloved dog. My father bought when my father still in a dating with my mother, before my parents married, and I was born! Raymond age is one year older than my sister's age, and three older than my age. My father told me when Raymond still child, Raymond slept with my father in the same room, but different bed371. But when Raymond gets older, Raymond slept at cage. Raymond is a big dog! It’s look like a cute medium lion. But at the age of 12 Raymond was died in hospital because Raymond can’t eat, and there are problems in Raymond’s body because Raymond was old. Raymond was old dog who makes me and my sisters always smile :’). After that my father buried Raymond’s died body at wasteland of my old house.448
After Raymond was died my families didn’t have dog. I begged to my father to buy a dog. But my mom told my father not to bought dog again, so it really troublesome. And I have a little sisters who likes to flu. 492
My nephew told my father to buy a dog. My nephew has two dogs. Both of her dogs are Shih Tzu and boy. My Nephew’s dogs are smart, they could shake hands, sit, stand up with 2 legs, pee in the restroom, catch the ball that we throw, and etc. And her dogs win in the dog’s competition 551
After think again, my father and my nephew gave me a surprise. Big surprise and I will not forget it. At my birthday last year, there are a car bring a little cutes dog to my house. I didn’t know that my father bought that dog to me, my mother didn’t know to. 606
After my father and my nephew explain, I know the little dog is the brother of my nephew’s dog. First my mom didn’t like, but finally my mom permitted. I gave my new doggie Mico, its look like his brother named Miro. 650
Now Mico grew up, his age know 1 year 4 months. Mico is a good dog who makes me and my family happy. When we was bored, we always played ball or run with Mico. My little sister, Janice love Mico too. She liked to give Mico milk, and played Ball 700 with Mico. Thanks God for send Mico in my family J710
and I also had a dog named cecil which was a chow chow..xD
Weehehe xp
BalasHapusApa ae towh..?
nmaq dpake jdi nama anjing TT…